Fae World (Lost Girl) Wiki

Roleplay (Speak up, and make it snappy, I mayn't have all day)[]


Template:Bond em7

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 14:35, December 16, 2013 (UTC)

"Well don't just stand dithering in the doorway, get in and put wood in th'ole, whoever you are. Now, what is it you need, young man?"

Template:Bond em7

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 14:44, December 16, 2013 (UTC)

"Oh, sorry there, young Black - me eyesight's not what it were even twenty year gone. Aye, sit ye down, and tell me whatever it is I need to know. I realise you've been shoulderin' t' burden down among t'War Dogs, what wi' young Tanis gone walkabout an' all. Can I offer you a drop of anything . . . medicinal, to keep the chill out?"

Template:Bond em7

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 14:53, December 16, 2013 (UTC)

"Well, speakin' purely personally, lad, I gave up assumin' fifty year ago when I failed to die proper. Happen as you may be right, though - desert's got a way o' swallowing stuff, rarely sees fit to spit it back out. If they did their duty the way it looks, those of us as are left need to remember - and then get on wi' life."

Template:Bond em7

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 15:04, December 16, 2013 (UTC)

"Have you a taste for the role yerself, lad, seein' the grand job you've been doin' fillin' in?"

Template:Bond em7

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 15:24, December 16, 2013 (UTC)

"Well, I reckon it's another of them situations where we have ta move on and make do. The lass hasn't seen fit to let a wight know what she's doin', so we haveta go about our business as if she's not coming back, sad to say. We can talk ta t' Minister, me an' thee, given how you've been doin' lion's share, and wi' three 'eads mebbe summat o' use'll come up. May as well hope, anyhow."

Template:Bond em7

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 15:40, December 16, 2013 (UTC)

"Aye, well, things're movin' on their own, which means like it or not we need to get to some steerin'. Ship of state, and all that, lad. If you can do owt to make the rag-tag into a team I'll be much obliged, but don't go beating yoursen up about a casualty of war - 'cos they 'appen like it or not. I'll have a word wi' young Es-, I mean, I'll set up a meeting with the Minister, see how fast we can get the wheels of government turning. Still and all, short-term we're gonna need you right where you've been, lad - holding the line."

Template:Bond em7

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 15:51, December 16, 2013 (UTC)

*He stands, creakily, and extends a weathered hand.* "Keepin' people's lives tickin' over's a thankless task, but that's one of the few things we definitely can change for one another. Thank you for all your hard work, Mr. Ferlen Black, and if you ever need a reference for life beyond these walls, I'd be honoured to help out any way I can."

Template:Bond em7



Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 23:50, October 28, 2013 (UTC)

*He gets hastily but unsteadily to his feet, and grasps the edge of the table.* "Of course, Madame Minister. For you, always. Please, make yourself at home." *He indicates a chair with a gesture which is curtailed once more by his need for balance.*


Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 00:01, October 29, 2013 (UTC)

*He sinks heavily back into his armchair.* "That's good to know, but if you continue to feel that way, you'll be a rare'un, Estella. Kipling had the right of it, you know - 'If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.' The air itself where you are's pretty heady stuff. So, what brings you to the DMLE?"


Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 00:19, October 29, 2013 (UTC)

*He takes a moment, clearly filtering out some of his more common and unexpurgated means of expression.* "Aside from the entire Mediterranean region getting ready to go up like an oil soaked rag in a fireworks factory I take it you mean? Well, on the home front, I'm hearing far too much for comfort about this 'Shrouded' and that there 'Black Parade' - mind, I may have to hold up my hand to some responsibility for that last. I weren't exactly understanding where young Miss LeFey was concerned, and that may have just been the last straw. Nowt to do about it now though." *He shrugs eloquently.*


Tanis and Lily[]



Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 01:18, October 3, 2013 (UTC)

*He can be heard shuffing about inside, be there's a muted thump, before, "Come in!". As Dunstan enters the old man is reclining, the less charitable might say semi-slumped, in an armchair in the corner.* "Since I don't recognise t'face, you must be young le Fey. Good to meet you, lad. *He hauls himself precariously to his feet then straightens, and somehow all signs of infirmity melt away. He holds out a steady hand.*

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 06:08, October 3, 2013 (UTC)

"Well, seeing as how I'm not up to haring all over the place these days, 'appen it might be prudent-like for you t' make sure your face is known around these parts, by them as matters, I mean. I'm thinkin' particularly of young Tanis and Ferlen Black, 'cos like as not they'll be t' folks as you'll 'ave most need of day in, day out in the months to come. I'd like your views on our new batch of Aurors an' all, when you've got a moment or two spare, and it'd help, I reckon, if you can get into the habit of jotting vital stuff down for me, memory not bein' what it were. That said, if I've made it through last century wi' no bugger calling me 'Sir' more'n once, you don't get to break the streak. Name's Albie, lad - allus was, allus will be."


Dunstan II[]

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 21:13, October 24, 2013 (UTC)

*The old wizard flicks his wand and sends an interdepartmental memo flitting down the hall to summon his PA.*

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 23:37, October 30, 2013 (UTC)

"It's nowt urgent - more of a 'reprioritisation', as they say. We need everything the Dark Wizard Files has copied up on one of them their corkboards, and on display in that little kitchen off the hall. I want to be able to tell our Minister that we have up-to-date profiles on all known Shrouded and Black Parade members a month from now. Feel free to discuss it any way you like or need with Tanis and that young Ferlen, but make sure everyone's aware it matters to me."

Wikia DARP - Albie offering his input

Albie Slytherin
-"Way I see it, there's always options. Not always palatable, though."

 – 09:01, November 3, 2013 (UTC)

"Good to hear - an' don' be frit ta bring yer own thinkin' through t'door. *He waves a slow hand in the direction of his own heavy own portal.* Never been much on the tale of Androcles, an' this 'ere *the gesture becomes more expansive* is a place for the lion-hearted. We've messed up, will again, but not 'cos we couldn' locate our conviction wi' both 'ands."